Make Your Older Home the Most Thermally Efficient House on Your Street.

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If you live in an older home, it probably:

costs you a fortune to heat.

struggles to retain that heat once the boiler turns off.

is draughty.

and may even suffer from condensation and mould issues.

You’re probably fed up trying to figure out the best way to make your older home thermally efficient and cheaper to heat… Spending hours searching the internet, only to fall down lots of mis-information rabbit holes.

It can get confusing, fast, and regardless of what anyone may have told you - when it comes to making efficiency improvements to your older home…


Why Improve Your Older Home?

You don't need me to tell you that you're currently paying you're hard earned money to heat the air around your home as well as the air inside it!

But, provided you do the upgrades correctly, there’s no reason why your home has to be inefficient and expensive to run!

First Mistake People Tend to Make.

We're all probably guilty of getting sucked into the hype around the fancy renewable technologies, like solar panels, heat pumps and the like!

Don’t get me wrong these technologies are good, but only after you carry out two essential improvements, that most people get wrong!

So, forget the fancy shiny eco technologies until you carry out the TWO simple things that you MUST do to an older home, before even thinking about solar panels or the latest must have heat pump.

But be careful, if those two things are done incorrectly or with the wrong materials, they could actually damage your home and cost you thousands to put right in the future!

Getting the basics right is the most important thing you can do for an older home. Once, they’re done, everything else becomes easier (and usually cheaper).

These two simple things will:

Allow your home will retain its heat longer, meaning your boiler will fire less often (so even your old boiler will be cheaper to run).

Reduce the heat demand and improve the thermal efficiency your home. So if you do decide to install a heat pump, you’ll then get away with a smaller heat pump which will be will be cheaper to buy and run.

Create a healthier environment to live in, so you won’t have to worry about your kids breathing in mould spores while they sleep and all the associated dangers that brings.

Everything, stems from getting these two basic things right.

Why Me?

Just over 25 years ago, as a freshly qualified Chartered Surveyor, I started doing doing RICS Home Surveys for clients, on mostly older homes.

Over the years clients started to ask if I could advise them on making their homes more energy efficient.

Initially (back in the late 1990’s) I did what most people in the industry still do today, and I advised them to roll out insulation in their loft and insulate their walls etc. using the standard insulation materials that were available.

Over the next number of years, I started thinking about what these man-made materials actually were, as I figured there had to be a more sustainable options. At the time I was more concerned with the chemicals in them and the off gassing of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into our homes!

But, as I researched more, I came to the realisation that these man-made materials were also putting our older homes at risk of damage.

Fast forward to around 2010 and we (as an industry) were becoming more aware, that man-made insulation materials don’t just restrict the breathability of an old house but they can hold onto moisture, reducing their thermal efficiency and potentially causing issues.

While I knew all the theory on improving the thermal efficiency of older homes, my wife and I had never actually lived in an old home of our own.

Prior to 2012, our most recent home was an eco-house which we lived in for a few years. Which had a annual heating bill of £250 a year and an electric bill of £300 a year.

Considering the above, I’m sure you can appreciate just how big a shock we received when we moved from our modern eco-home into an uninsulated, solid stone walled, 110 year old house on the seafront.

Don’t get me wrong it’s lovely and has lots of character, but it was COLD and draughty and it cost a fortune to heat.

So, I did what I thought most people would have done and I upgraded it to make it more energy efficient. However after going through the process and speaking to various tradespeople from roofers to insulation companies and builders etc. I was amazed that very few of them seemed to understand, or appreciate, the risks involved when using man-made insulation materials and total vapour barriers etc. on older homes.

That was quite surprising to me. After all, I’d known about all these issues for several years by 2010. But the people who were trying to sell me these products and install them, still didn’t seem to understand or (in some cases) even accept why they’re not suitable for older homes.

So what chance do other owners of older homes, who maybe don’t have my experience, have?

The industry has moved on since 2012, but sadly, not quickly and not by very much.

It was only when my wife pointed out that, I needed to appreciate that all the knowledge I’d gained over my 25 years doing surveys and researching older homes, is not common knowledge to most people.

My Eureka Moment.

So, I decided that I needed to create a system, to pass on that knowledge and show people like you, who live in older homes, how to carry out improvements in a way that won’t damage your property and enable you to create a home that’s:

thermally efficient and cheaper to run, so you can stay warm and your kids can relax and enjoy life.

healthier to live in, so your family don’t have to breath in any more nasty chemicals, mould spores and volatile organic compounds.

stress free, as you won’t have to worry about the cost of heating your home.

you’ll also avoid causing damage to your home from using the wrong materials, which could lead to big repair bills in the future.

you’ll be able to lower your carbon footprint, increase your spendable income and preserve the lifespan of your home.


I couldn't afford to make all the improvements to my home at once.

You really don’t have to do everything straight away, you can improve individual sections, as your budget allows. Plus, the improvements I suggest start from a few pounds (even free in some cases). You’ll have all the information you need in this one course. So you’ll be able to dip in and out as you wish.

I don’t understand all the complexities of the construction terms, let alone the physiology of an older house.

You don't need to. I've written this system in as simple terms as possible and where I do use specific terminology, I explain what it means.

After applying my “Old House to Efficient House” system, to our own property, we ended up with a beautiful home, that retains its heat, is affordable to run and is a healthy place for us to raise our two girls, and dozens of other people just like you are currently in the process of doing the same.

Following my “Old House to Efficient House” system will mean you can now turn your older home from a hard to heat money pit, into a thermally efficient, cheap to run ,healthy and happy home.

The most common responses I get back from clients, is that prior to reading my system, they…

“just weren’t aware of what materials they should or shouldn’t be using”

… and how following my information …

“prevented them spending thousands on materials that could actually damage their home”.

I’m going to show you:

How to create a warm healthy home so you can sit back in the evening safe in the knowledge that your bills won’t be excessive, your home will be warm, healthy and comfortable and you won’t be exposing your family to excessive amounts of volatile organic compounds.

Some useful tools you can use so that the process is simpler and quicker to achieve.

How to breakdown the wall, floor and roof construction of your home so that you know what improvements are appropriate and what are not.

The various insulation upgrades available to you and explain why using the wrong type could damage older homes, which could cost you a lot of money to put right.

The installation mistakes associated with installing insulation that will reduce its thermal efficiency, so that you can avoid them and maximise the thermal efficiency of your own home.

Why modern man-made insulation products are damaging older homes, so that you can make the right decisions and keep your home in good condition.

How you can reduce the risk of black mould in your home, so that you family doesn’t have to breath in these nasty spores.

How to assess your windows and doors, so you can see if it’s worth upgrading them. You might be surprised by the answer!

The difference between controlled and uncontrolled ventilation, so that you know which to reduce and which to increase, in order to reduce the risk of mould in your home.

The different types of heating systems available to let you know if upgrading is appropriate or a waste of money.

What secondary heating systems are and how they can have a huge effect of the thermal efficiency of your home, so that you can decide on how to upgrade these.

Don't Just Take my Word for it:

Here’s everything you get…

How to safely insulate your loft - Value £75 - Included

How to safely insulate your walls - Value £75. - Included

How to safely insulate your suspended timber floors - Value £75 - Included

How to inspect and improve windows and doors - Value £50 - Included

How to inspect and improve conservatories and sunrooms - Value £45 - Included.

How to understand and improve ventilation - Value £75 - Included.

How to understand and improve your heating system - Value £75 - Included.

How to understand and improve your secondary heating system - Value £60 - Included.

How to understand and improve your domestic hot water system - Value £60 - Included.

How to understand and improve your electrical system - Value £60 - Included.

A Total Retail Value of £650.

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Plus, if you order today you’ll get:

A Free copy of my "Identify the Age & Construction Type of Older Homes" ebook - Value £45 - included

Get your maximum savings today with this exclusive offer

To gain all this knowledge, has taken me over 25 years and cost me in excess of £25,000. But I’ve now summarised all that knowledge into my "Old House to Efficient House" system.

If I were to bring you into my office and train you how to do this yourself, it would easily take at least 5 hours, just to cover the basics and make sure you understand them. At £150/hour that would turn into a pretty expensive day (£750), as is normally the case with one to one tuition.

The reason I can offer you my system at this price is because I don’t physically have to ship you anything. You’ll get my entire "Old House to Efficient House" system and the bonus ebook instantly.

Because of that I’m releasing my "Old House to Efficient House" system today at the lowest rate possible…

Normally £97… Today just £39

100% Guarantee.

If you’re not happy with the product, you can keep it and I’ll refund you all of your money.



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